Soft Skills Need Help

"The skills that were not being met included personal accountability for work, self-motivation, strong work ethic, punctuality, time management, professionalism, and adaptability. .....  The people who succeeded were those who had a strong work ethic, produced work on time, adapted to changes, and suggested new ideas with a plan for making them work. They received bonuses, promotions, raises, and work opportunities that others did not. ....... We do our students a disservice when we provide them with extensions, lax lateness policies, and extra-credit opportunities.  ........ Most students today have been raised in an environment of endless second chances, so my policies surprise them — and many don’t like me for it. ......  Work ethic, punctuality, and time management should hardly be shocking expectations of a college student. Isn’t it a problem that too often we don’t demand those skills of them?" From article by Charlotte Kent