

What are the rules for professionalism? I know there are many answers to that question and regardless of what organization a professional is a part of I would like to offer 5 rules for professionalism.

Rule 1: Make the decision you think is the right decision to make.  A professional makes decisions every day that impacts other people.  Make decisions that are right for all people.

Rule 2: Start something that needs to be started to help advance the cause.  Professionals don’t wait to address important projects – they start them in advance before they become problems.

Rule 3: Ask for help whenever you want it.  Professionals know they can do it all alone.  They seek out help to achieve a better result.

Rule 4: Help others whenever you can (even if they don’t ask for it).  Professionals are always willing to pitch in and help others with no strings attached.

Rule 5: Take time off to do something that inspires, excites and energizes you.  Professionals understand the need to refresh to have a better perspective on their work. 

There are more rules but following these is a good start.

Professionalism – one definition

Professionalism is defined as a person giving their best effort meeting obligations selected for through knowledge, skill and experience.  They are not seeking self-promotion with attention focused on those they serve. They understand their limitations, owing up to mistakes by taking action to correct them.  When being observed and not observed they are always being accountable for their decisions and actions.  They are continually trying to better their knowledge, skill and experience to meet obligations.  They allow their conduct and achievements to reflect their character and competence.


Being a professional means that you have made promises to other who you will interact with over time.  "Professionalism is behaving in a way that is consistent and reliable; avoiding mistakes, but owning up to them if they occur; honesty and assertiveness; acting in a way that positively represents your organization."(Sara Boatman)  The definition of professionalism indicates a number of promises that are to be fulfilled.  If you don’t want to make these promises then you don’t want to be a professional.  Being a professional is not a title, a degree obtained or even being paid – being a professional is about keeping promises.