
Ask the Questions

Seeking staff members who will make a long-term commitment, are excited about challenges, want to reach the next level professionally, and can connect to others, then ask these interview questions in the hiring process.

  • How do you stay up to date in your field?

  • What's a big question you regularly try to solve?

  • How do you connect with other professionals in your industry?

  • What makes you most excited about this role?

  • What is the most satisfying thing about your job?

  • How do you define success?

  • Why do you want to work for our company?

  • What separates our product/service from others you've seen?

  • What do you think is our key to success?

  • What do you think we can do better?

  • What are your professional goals – how does this position contribute to obtaining those goals?

  • Provide an example of how you demonstrated sound professional judgement.    

Perspective staff members who provide strong responses to these interview questions are who you want to hire.  They are motivated by new challenges, constantly looking to improve themselves, have the best interest of the organization they work for at heart and are in it for the long haul.


A simple word that when asked followed by a question mark can lead to powerful insights.  In the fast paced world we work in we are consumed with “what” we are doing and “how” we are doing it.  We need to spend more time asking “Why?”.   “Why” is what will motivate us to do better.  “Why” is what others will follow.  If you want to understand the importance of “why” take a look at Simon Sinek's Ted Talk.  If you’re trying to move your organization forward and not getting the results you want consider if you have shared “why”.