:Good executives focus on opportunities rather than problems. Problems have to be taken care of, of course; they must not be swept under the rug. But problem solving, however necessary, does not produce results. It prevents damage. Exploiting opportunities produces results. Learn more
Finding Ideas
Consider the following:
post-it notes
Federal Express
Cell Phones
When each of these items was first introduced, customers by and large rejected them. They had not asked for them, didn't see a need for them, who would use them, etc.. Today can you imagine your office without post-it notes!
Students only know what they have experienced - don't expect them to tell you what they want in the future. Leaders must offer new ideas to bring to students. They may reject it at first - remember the list above - but then realize they can't live without it.
When I'm looking for new ideas when it comes to innovations, programs or services, I don't look at other other schools, I look at other industries, businesses and organizations. I take their best ideas and then adapt them to my setting.
"The customer is a rear-view mirror, not a guide to the future." George Colony, Forrester Research