Exceling in Difficult Times

Without a doubt these are difficult times for all types of organizations.  What has worked in the past may no longer work in the future.  To excel in difficult times, here are three ideas that can help organizations.

Partnerships:  While it may seem easier to go it alone, the results of going it alone do not measure up to when you have someone else as your partner.  A partnership requires fidelity from each partner.  There is a commitment of loyalty and trust to move beyond self-interest to the interest of the greater good.

Focused Energy: Focusing energy on what is most important and not allowing the trivial to take up time and energy is more important that ever.  In his book “Good to Great”, Jim Collins notes that great organizations were intently focused.  Even when a crisis comes along, dealing with it and then getting back to what is important will lead to success.

Innovation: Innovation offers solutions to concerns and problems that are faced by organizations.  Every person has creative capacity that can lead to innovation.  Innovation can often result from being together diverse ideas and concepts that provide a new way to address an issue.