The performance zone is when your energy is high and positive. It’s where you want to be when you’re working toward a specific goal. You feel upbeat, engaged, challenged, and optimistic.
The survival zone is when your energy is high, but negative. When we feel threatened or devalued, control of our nervous system shifts from the prefrontal cortex to the sympathetic nervous system and we move into fight-or-flight mode. People in this zone are anxious, impatient, irritable, fearful, and self-critical.
The burnout zone is when your energy is low and your feelings are negative. People in this zone feel helpless, empty, and exhausted.
The renewal zone is when your energy is low but positive. It’s where you can recharge and get back to the performance zone. It feels tranquil, serene, mellow, and peaceful. The key to sustainable high performance and well-being is to move regularly and deliberately between the performance zone and the renewal zone.